From An Engineer's Perspective

For an engineer a problem is not an obstacle but more of an opportunity. We face challenges on a daily basis, and pretty much our job boils down to solving problems.
After a while you develop this attitude towards technical difficulties and its reach extends to your personal life.
I've seen this in senior Engineers, always chill and calm whenever we encounter a new obstacle. Like they were expecting it to happen, they acknowledge that problems arise constantly, and one have to develop a mental fortitude towards it.
When you look at junior engineers, they focus on technical details too much and they are always frustrated and moody.
I can't blame them, I'm one of those junior software engineers. The internet shifts really fast and nothing on our resume lasts. Technologies come and go, so does our skills.
Even though at the bottom of things it's just zeros and ones, the abstraction that took place over the year, made this field so dynamic and unpredictable. You can't master it all and things fall into chaos, unexpectedly and daily.
Refactoring existing code and enhancing functionalities you had no hand in designing in the first place can make you really frustrated. It's like reconstructing a palace without its blueprint.
Humans have a way of adapting, so it seems very logical that we adapted to facing problems. I call it the engineer's mindset. You reprogram your mind to asking the appropriate questions. How can we fix this? and its a really beautiful thing i admire in my kind. Watching the news an engineer will not whine about the issue, but will be focusing on the solution. How can we fix it.

This mindset changed me as a person. I became more agile and practical, i fear change lesser with each new dawn.
Image result for linus torvalds
And as Linus Torvalds the founder of the linux operating system said:
I do not have a five-year plan. I do not have a moonshot. I’m looking at the ground, and I want to fix the pothole that’s right in front of me before I go in.


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